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Surprisingly FUN and it has a good PT-BR localization. 5 stars

I’m glad you liked it!

can't load

web console reports

UnityLoader.js:4 GET 500

(anonymous) @ UnityLoader.js:4

compatibilityCheck @ UnityLoader.js:4

n @ UnityLoader.js:4

(anonymous) @ UnityLoader.js:4



VM201:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at XMLHttpRequest.t.onload (UnityLoader.js:4)

Hi SkyCharger, thanks for giving our game a try! Did this error happened at some point in the game? We ask this because we tested it with different browsers and we couldn’t find any problem. Please try to reload the page with ctrl + F5 and tell us if the problem persists.

Just remembered, error code 500 means that a server is down. (and that seems to have been the only actual problem)

Glad to know it’s not our fault​

It also would be nice if you could get a little bonus time if you decide not to save the money at the safe space and decide to go down to the next area immediately after finishing the previous area

In fact, you do have a bonus if you advance to the next area without storing your money. But is not a time bonus, it’s gem multiplier which gives you more gems when you mine a block and is cumulative.

(4 edits)

I think it is strange that no matter how many gems you have (and even if you end the level with 0 gems by not moving at the start) all the money is still used to pay the ambulance, without any money coming out of the money you already have (if there is no money), and no money going to you (if you got to a higher level like diamonds, or rubies without saving any money)

Who knew that the hospitals were the real gougers in this game?

At least they treat you with care…

Honestly this game is fine. It just needs a tutorial so people can understand how to play.

Hey @NotDerpyBoii, thanks for playing. What did you think that was not obvious/explained that should have tutorials about?

The storing gems mechanic that some people have trouble with.

Thanks for the feedback!

No problem


the safe room is way to looooooooow


There's a safe room you can get to?  Is that how you store money?  Yikes.

well the tips seem to imply the answer to all your questions is yes. Im not sure it exists tho

(2 edits)

Unfortunately the reason it took so long to reach the safe room was a bug that made you start at the third level and we’re really sorry for it. But we just fixed that bug and the game is MUCH easier.

We really hope you give the game a second chance!

will do



So its name your own price but you have to pay 1$ this is absolutely horrible.

Bro, you can play for free in your browser and/or throw a buck at us to download it in your machine, may it be Windows, Linux or Android. I can't see why it is "horrible".


yep this is horrible there's no way to actually get money and have gotten 3 100% impossible levels in a row

We’re sorry to say that you played the game at a harder difficulty than it was supposed to be. A bug made the game start at the THIRD level, but we just fixed it.

We really hope you give the game a second chance!

still get impossible layouts every now  and again where you had to move right like 10 blocks up to dodge a set of spikes and obviously could never see it.


OK, so, when you die you lose all the money you haven't stored.  But I think I missed the part where you explain how to store the money...


yep no clue how to actualy keep money ether...


Yeah, I think my overall impression here is that it's a neat idea--I kind of like the puzzle aspect of figuring out how to use the boulders and avoid the spikes--but the chaser is too fast.  There's practically no room for error, and on my last run I had to get from the far left to the far right, which is literally impossible to do before it catches you.

(1 edit)

We’re sorry to say that it was not supposed to start at the boulder level. A bug made the game start at the THIRD level, but we just fixed it.

We really hope you give the game a second chance!

OK, the game works a whole lot better when you start at the first level!  To be honest, I think it's still too unforgiving: it's very, very easy to make a single wrong move.  I wouldn't mind if there were some sort of (cheap?) single-use protective gear that let you survive one spike hit, or single-use rope that let you climb upwards once, or things like that, so you could recover from those errors.  But I'm sure there are people who like things difficult.

We’re really glad you liked it!

We thought about adding consumables to the shop which would have those kind of uses, but it was getting too big for our first project and we dropped it. We could add those features and some more if we get some sales on Google Play though.

And yeah, we know the game isn’t necessarily easy, but it’s not so hard if you don’t get too greedy or wait until camera showed enough of the path (we added those to the hints that appear after dying).

yeah but sometimes you get stuff you could only dodge by luck as camera never shows enough for some of the possible gens.